Open Source Intelligence - Russian Military Locations 
OSInt Concept Contact Air Force Air Defense Ground Force Depots POIs Oblast is a website intended to provide overviews on Russian Military Locations produced from publicly available information that is collected, exploited and disseminated in a timely manner to appropriate audiences for the purpose of addressing a specific information requirement through aggregate overviews.

The aim of this website is to promote the idea of collecting OSInt on Russian military locations and to constantly expand the information scope of Wikipedia as a platform for OSInt. In addition Google Earth is a particularly suitable OSINT source to visualize, verify and further complete already available OSINT information. The combination of OSINT in Wikipedia and the corresponding setting of links to Google Earth represent a particularly good form of depicing military locations, since each user determines the intensity of his own evaluation according to his needs.

Wikipedia currently provides the following OSInt about the Russian Armed Forces:

1.   Russian Air Forces
1.1. General Overview
1.2. Air Force Bases
1.3. Military Aircraft
2.   Russian Ground Forces
2.1. General Overview
2.2. Vehicles
2.3. Artillery
3. Russian Navy
3.1. General Overview
3.2. Navy Ships
4. Strategic Rocket Forces
4.1. General Overview
4.2. Units
4.3. Surface-to-Surface Missiles  (GE)
5. Air Defense Forces
5.1. General Overview
5.2. Anti Aircraft Missiles (S-400)
5.3. Anti Balistic Missiles (A-135)
5.4. Centre Missile Attack Warning

We regularly check all objects for changes and report on major construction work or inventory changes to weapon systems such as aircraft or tanks on our Twitter channel.